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Our "WHY"

As pet parents what is the most important thing to us? Our dog’s happiness and health. Like all pet parents we strive to give our dogs the best. One of the most difficult problems for a pet parent is taking care of our dogs’ teeth. It’s always a struggle that leads to an unpleasant experience with our dogs. 

Our main passion is empowering dogs and to make their lives, as well as the lives of their pet parents, easier.  Our goal is to put the power of tooth brushing into our dogs’ paws, and allow them the independence to take care of their own oral health, while giving pet parents peace of mind knowing their dog will have a happier and healthier lifestyle. 

This journey started with my first childhood dog, a Pomeranian. Mickey was part of our family for 15 years.  We lost him due to oral disease that had spread to his liver and eventually lead to his passing. It was a devastating loss of a beloved family member. 
In the 90’s people didn’t really know much about pet care, especially not the importance of oral care.  Losing my dog to oral disease has stuck with me throughout my life, and was the motivation for finding a way to provide a tool to improve dogs oral health.  Brite Bite is the embodiment of the will of a pet parent to want to give their dog’s the best in life.


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